Of all the many and varied building aids
available to the average home builder which would you consider the best?
I would forward the humble clothes peg.
The ones that I use are the cheap wooden pegs available from any
supermarket. They can be used as they come, however a few simple
modifications can be made to fully utilize them. |
The first modification is to cut of
the ends of the peg at a 45 degree angle, third from the left. This will
allow the peg to grip quite small and fine objects. Of course the jaws
of the peg will open at an angle, should you require a larger jaw
opening you can cut some material from the inside of the jaws, first
left. In a similar fashion should you need a very large jaw opening you
can glue two pegs together as seen in the picture second from the left.
A quick modification to increase the grip of the peg can be made by
simply wrapping a small elastic band as seen on the right in the
Some of the simple uses of the pegs
can be seen here. In glass clothing various model assemblies the cloth
can be reluctant to hold position particularly around small radius like
leading ledges. Here you can see that the weight of the pegs is
sufficient to hold the cloth in position. Holding small or rounded
objects in order to drill or shape can be assisted by using a peg as a
custom made set of vice jaws. You can of course drill larger holes to
suit the size of the object being held.
Electricks |