The same technique can be used on
commercially available rollers.
The photo on the right shows other type
of rollers that Colin has converted in the same way.
The roller with the red handle (middle)
is the spindle - inner part of a 3" gloss foam roller with the foam
discarded after initial use. This is fitted on to a commercially
available handle. The actual roller can be covered in wool as per the
technique described and reused time and time again. It can also be
removed from the roller handle so if you have a number of old rollers
spindles, you can have them prepared and fit / use /remove / replenish
as necessary.
The roller on the right with the green
handle, is the spindle from a 1" foam roller - already wrapped in wool,
also fitted to a commercially available handle.
All these rollers work out very much
cheaper than buying rollers time and time again and are much better as
they do not soak up too much resin.